Saturday, July 31, 2010

Things are starting off a little crazy! I was charging my cellphone in the distracted & left it there! I realized when I sat down. Luckily a wonderful woman took it to the gate. THANK GOD! Wish me & my forgetfullness luck! Love you all! Haiti here I come!!!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

The Lost Get Found- Britt Nicole

Today I was driving in the car & I heard this song. The past couple days I've been getting a little nervous about going, but after hearing this song I AM READY! I encourage you to listen & read the words. I hope this song speaks to your heart like it did to mine <3

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Getting Close now...

Wow! Time is flying by! I was just re-reading my other posts...and it seems like yesterday that I had a month to go! Now it's getting down to the wire.

This week I got my passport, and today I got all my flight information. It's crazy. I'm really going to Haiti! In the beginning I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be able to raise the money to go. Now I only have $311.67 left to raise by Saturday. My heart is overflowing with gratitude. I don't have the words to express how thankful I am. I soooo appreciate the support.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

New Payment Option!


If you would like to donate to my Haiti trip I have another easy option for you! Just call Heather Franz at 925-447-3465 ext 5629 & pay by phone! Make sure to say that you are putting the payment in for Amy Miramontes & leave your info too so that I can thank you & you can get a tax paper :)


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Getting everything ready to go...

Today was my first painful day getting ready for Haiti. I got my first shot for my Rabies vaccination, and have 2 more in the series to get. I also got a typhoid shot, and got my blood drawn to check out my immunities to other things. One week before I leave I have to start taking Chloroquine Phosphate(i.e. Malaria vaccination) and then once a week while I'm in a "malarious area" That's all for now! Just wanted to let you know whats happening with me. I REALLY REALLY appreciate everyones support :)